Department of Education

The Department of Education aims to meet students' career skills needs. It is structured on the Soft and Tech Events subfields, being a catalyst in the relationship between employer and future employee.

What does the education department aim to achieve?
The department will organize events in order to help students from a psychological, technical and career opportunities perspective, facilitating insertion/accommodation in the labor market. "Knowledge isn't power until it is applied".

What benefits will it bring to students?
They will benefit from career counseling and guidance;
Students can participate in workshops designed to develop their skills;
They will create human connections and collaborative partnerships through speakers;
Attending events puts them in contact with people in Tech fields;
They will learn what public speaking means;

Why would you choose to participate in the events organized by the education department?
You will learn how to write your CV, cover letter and other relevant documents from HR people;
You will come into contact with people from different companies and institutes with a view to possible employment;
It will help you learn how to open your own business;
You will be part of a community that aims to bring students, employers and entrepreneurs together.

The education department has two branches of activity::

Tech Events
Participate in events dedicated to design, programming, laboratory techniques or events on demand;
Connects you with Tech specialists;

Soft Events
Provides counseling in professional guidance;
Facilitates communication between the student and the employer;
Develops free thinking, you learn to work in a team;
Leadership, communication, critical thinking;

How to register for events?
Urmărește-ne activitatea pe rețelele de socializare și accesează link-ul de înscriere aferent fiecărui eveniment.
*Events are free and addressed to all young people who want to start a career in technical fields or who want to develop professionally and socially.

Be a volunteer!
If you wish to interact with new people and get involved in events organization within the "Directorate of Education", send us your request to the email address and we will contact you!