Social Activities
Find out how AFIST events can help build a supportive community for women and students in STEM. At these events, we focus not only on creating valuable connections between participants, but also on bringing various social issues to the fore and contributing to their awareness by proposing constructive solutions. We invite you to be part of a group of people dedicated and passionate about change and development!
27 noiembrie 2024
Pe 27 noiembrie 2024, a avut loc sărbătorirea celor 3 ani de activitate ai Asociației Femeilor în Inginerie, Știință și Tehnologie, AFIST, într-o locație deosebită, Sala de Bal a Camerei de Comerț și Industrie a Municipiului București – CCIB. A fost un moment deosebit, plin de emoție și inspirație care ne-a făcut să fim mândri de tot ce am reușit să realizăm și de comunitatea pe care am construit-o în acești ani!
22 noiembrie 2023
On Wednesday, November 22, 2023, the Association of Women in Engineering, Science, and Technology (AFIST) celebrated its "Voices of Progress" anniversary event at Oteteleșanu Manor in Bucharest. This event marked a significant milestone for AFIST, as it was not only a celebration of their first year since launching, but also a celebration of two years of remarkable activity. Additionally, it was a celebration of the National Day of the Romanian Researcher, making it a memorable occasion for all in attendance.
29 martie 2023
Miercuri, 29 martie 2023, la Senatul României a avut loc lansarea Programului de Mentorat AFIST 2023 – AIM for Inspiration and Success Through Mentorship organizat de AFIST.
Transferul de cunoștințe între generații și paradigma long life learning sunt esențiale pentru evoluția de la universitățile clasice la multiversitățile viitorului. În acest sens, credem că acest Program de Mentorat este o modalitate excelentă de a sprijini aceste idei și de a construi o comunitate de sprijin pentru tinerii din domeniile tehnice.
Am fost onorați să primim oameni de succes care și-au împărtășit experiențele și cunoștințele despre cum să reușim în lumea complexă și în schimbare rapidă de astăzi. Împreună, am creat o comunitate vibrantă de cursanți și lideri, care se sprijină reciproc în călătoria lor către succes.
22 martie 2023
In March, we had a delightful experience at Serata AFIST, where we had the honor of meeting Elena Pâslaru - a vocational counselling expert, an accomplished trainer and facilitator of outstanding leadership and personal development programs at the Leaders Foundation.
The evening will end with a jazz concert performed by A Theory of Harmony. The band started its activity about an hour and a half ago and is currently presented as a duo, the stable members and founders of the band being Matei Alexandru and Cătălin Sima. The band's goal is to make good music that gladdens the hearts of as many people as possible.
8 martie 2023
The first month of spring is meant to celebrate women. AFIST's goal is to promote women as well as education, and today we celebrated women's day through small gestures that can change the future.
We offered to students with good academic results and from disadvantaged backgrounds 8 tablets donated by Fundația Altex, our first partner in the campaign "Together with AFIST!" and another 10 tablets donated by a sponsor who wishes to remain anonymous. Through this gesture, we tried to instill in the young women the desire to continue building a beautiful future through education and, at the same time, to feel supported in this regard.
15 februarie 2023
On the occasion of the International Day of Women in Science, the Association of Women in Engineering, Science, and Technology (AFIST) proudly organized and hosted an event to mark the importance of the role of women in the scientific and technological community and to draw attention to the needed support in this direction. Science, Engineering, and Technology are the main tools for each society to advance toward sustainable development, and the main purpose of this event was to highlight the incredible achievements of women in the fields of science, engineering, and technology and the importance of involving as many parties as possible from different backgrounds and varied skills and experiences.
The event was a crowning of inspiration, knowledge exchange, and artistic expression.
25 ianuarie 2023
Our first Serata AFIST of the year was in January and it was an accumulation of energy, joy and excitement. During the AFIST evening, we had the pleasure to have Daniel Bălan, semi-finalist of Romanians Voice, as our guest, who delighted us.
In addition to his musical talent, Daniel also shares his passion for being a geography teacher, conveying this passion to his students, which is reflected in the exceptional results they have achieved over the years in national competitions and Olympiads.
9 decembrie 2022
Have you thought about a night of dancing? Or maybe an outing to the theater with friends? Or just leave the everyday and transform yourself into a setting that combines art and knowledge? We invite you to the AFIST Evening! A story atmosphere, which will gather us every month through music, dance, board games, magic numbers and theater. And the list goes on.. Because we want to thank you for choosing to be part of our community, we invite you to get to know us and witness an artistic moment supported by choreographer Laura Andrei. Always looking for new experiences, Laura started dancing at the age of 4, graduating from the "Floria Capsali" Choreography High School in Bucharest where she studied Vaganova classical dance technique, folk dance, character dance and classical dance. Laura has many artistic collaborations, she has numerous involvements in musicals, contemporary dance shows, as well as on television. Currently, she is a choreographer, a dance and movement teacher, as well as a fitness-ballet instructor.
25 noiembrie 2022
AFIST launching events
On Friday 25 November 2022, the official launch event of the Association of Women in Engineering, Science and Technology took place. The theme of the event was "Supporting and Empowering Women Through Education" and addressed the level of education in Romania, i.e. the field and STEM women, as well as responsible investment in human resources for sustainable development through education.